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Transparent LCD transforms fast-food chicken shop

Blaze Display Technology Co., Ltd. | Updated: Nov 27, 2018

Digitally transformed chicken restaurant company True Chicken is using transparent LCD displays from Crystal Display Systems in grab-and-go chicken hatches at its flagship store in Austria.


Chicken restaurant company True Chicken is using Transparent LCD screens for grab-and-go chicken stations at its flagship store in Pasching, Austria, as part of a digital transformation of the typical fast food experience. Cleverly timed and designed monochrome content is shown on the transparent LCD displays from Crystal Display Systems (CDS) which are combined with lift systems bringing customers’ orders for collection.

True Chicken offers a contemporary digital customer journey. Guests can order easily via an app. After payment, they then find out which employee is taking care of their order and once the food is passed to the customer, they receive a push message on their smartphone and can rate the employee. Customers can specify when they want their food to appear, when they order on the app, and do not need to join a queue when they arrive at the store but can go straight to the fully automatic grab and go station.

In addition, guests can use a Barbox service and place their favourite songs on the store’s playlist. There is also a digital vidi ball and a photo box.

CDS has its own range of transparent screens/displays and transparent video screens manufactured via an OEM factory. As it controls the manufacturing, it can not only offer more sizes than other vendors but can also guarantee stable supply and long-term availability.

Crystal Displays have replaced the Samsung transparent displays/see through displays with a highly reliable and strongly supported range. 
Who would have thought transparent LCDs would be integrated into a fast food chain restaurant? True Chicken Grab ‘n’ Go Stations are mouth-open, wow-factor, fantastic!

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