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The Advantages of TFT Screen

Blaze Display Technology Co., Ltd. | Updated: Nov 27, 2018

TFT Screen has its own unique advantages. Whether people are waiting for the traffic lights or looking around for a favorite cafe, or wandering on the road, TFT Screen can successfully catch everyone's attention.


The reason is the following benefits of TFT:
1. Clear screen quality and high resolution. TFT LCD can achieve high-definition picture quality, rich color and delicate degree is also getting higher and higher. As a collection of acousto-optic electricity, in addition to rotating play pictures, TFT Screen can also receive a variety of signal transmission, real-time TV broadcast and dynamic video.


2. Wide coverage. TFT Screen has unique advantage at crowded places so that it takes up a relatively wide, stable, repeated contacted audience, which benefits for promoting brand, product information. 


3. Safe and energy saving. TFT Screen is energy-saving. Brightness adaptive adjustment technology can further reduce energy consumption and light pollution, which is environmentally friendly.


With the development of TFT Screen, the technical requirements are also improved. In fact, some TFT Screen manufacturers constantly overcome problems to improve the technology, so that we will find more functional TFT Screen in the future.

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