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What is an LCD display module?

Blaze Display Technology Co., Ltd. | Updated: Nov 27, 2018

LCD display module and LCM refer to the same product. LCM (Liquid Crystal Module) is an abbreviation for the English translation of LCD Module. The liquid crystal display module is a complete display assembly, which can be designed according to user requirements by assembling liquid crystal display devices, connectors, integrated circuits, control drive circuits, PCB boards, backlights, and structural components.

According to different display types, LCM (liquid crystal display module type) can be divided into three main types: character dot matrix liquid crystal display module, graphic dot matrix liquid crystal display module and pen segment liquid crystal display module.

(1) Among them, the character dot matrix LCD module mainly includes 8*2 (0802 LCD module), 16*1 (1601 LCD module) and 16*2 (1602 LCD module), 16*4 (1604 LCD module)), 20*2 (2002 LCD module) and 20*4 (2004 LCD module) and other different types of character dot matrix LCD modules.

(2) The LCD module of the graphics matrix is ​​mainly based on the number of electrons including 122*32 (12232 LCD module), 128*32 (12832 LCD module, 128*64 (12864 LCD module), 160*128 (160128 LCD module), and 192*64 (19264 LCD module, 240*128 (240000000 128 LCD mold) and so on.

(3) In general, the pen segment LCD module does not have a fixed general size module like the character type and graphic type. Most of the pen segment LCD modules are customized and produced according to customer needs.

Therefore, there is no general specification for pen segment LCD modules. It is basically customized and produced according to the customer's size constraints and display size requirements. LCM LCD module is a display screen composed of segment code LCD screen + backlight module; components are components that assemble LCD devices, connectors, integrated circuits, control drive circuits, PCB boards, backlights and structural components, and finally present the effect that enables users to achieve a complete display.

 The types of LCD modules are mainly divided into three types: one is a pen segment LCD module, the second is a graphic dot matrix LCD module, and the third is a character dot matrix LCD module. The pen segment LCD module is a functional component composed of a segment LCD device and an ASIC, which can only display numbers and some identification symbols. Graphical dot matrix LCD module is also a kind of dot matrix module, which is characterized by continuous arrangement of dot matrix pixels. The character dot matrix LCD module is composed of dedicated drivers, controllers and connectors for dot matrix character LCD devices, mainly displaying numbers and Western characters.

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