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AMOLED displays might cause more eye strain than LCD

Blaze Display Technology Co., Ltd. | Updated: Nov 27, 2018

Most of the smartphones come equipped with the high-end OLED or AMOLED displays manufactured by LG and Samsung respectively. They are marketed for their brighter and vibrant colors. But smartphones with such displays should be used with caution to prevent eye strain and vision.



According to a study done on many people who use smartphones to consume media including videos and movies with AMOLED displays, eye strain complaints were the most common issue. People who were already using glasses due to poor vision had more eye strain than people with normal vision.


Most of the latest smartphones come with blue light filtering which removes the harmful blue light and causes less eye strain. The study shares two cases where a group of people was given AMOLED display smartphones to consume visual media content in the dark holding the phone closer to their eyes vs the same people watching the content on LCD powered displays under the same environment. Around 47% of people came forward with problems related to eye strain and bright eye flashes. Their eyes had a hard time adjusting to the normal environment after staring for too long in the AMOLED displays. This problem was less reported when they used normal LCD displays.


AMOLED displays have their own benefits and we know they can get very bright and show vibrant colors. But technology comes with a limit on how far it can go and how it should be used. Many people have made it a habit of watching movies or videos on Netflix and Youtube during night time keeping the phone very close to their eyes. This can put a lot of strain on your eyes no matter what type of display your phone has. Always make sure to use your phone in a well-lit environment if you are using it for a long duration.

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